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Starting Solids : A Comprehensive Guide Course

Rs. 2,400.00

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Are you wondering how to introduce solids to your little one? How to transition from milk to solids the right way? Which methodologies to follow BLW or purees? 

Then we welcome you to our Starting Solids course, throughout this course we'll cover the safe introduction of foods, including how to identify your baby is ready to start solids and understand feeding techniques, such as spoon-feeding and baby-led weaning. BLW is quite a buzz word nowadays, in our course we will cover how any method you may follow it is important to choose what is right for your family and culture and how to always perform responsive feeding.

We'll also discuss essential nutrients and nutrient-rich first foods crucial for your baby's growth, gradual introduction of allergens while monitoring for reactions. Additionally, we'll help you select the right products for your baby, from high chairs to utensils, ensuring a safe and enjoyable feeding experience!

What Will You Learn?

1. Readiness Cues:
Recognise signs that your baby is ready for solids and understand their hunger cues.

2. Safe Food Introduction:
Learn best practices for safe introduction of new foods and how to transition from low risk foods to allergens.

3. Feeding Techniques:
Understand the techniques and baby's oral anatomy when offering either via spoon-feeding or baby-led weaning.

4. Essential Nutrients:
Identify key nutrients for growth and offer nutrient rich first foods.

5. Allergens & Product Selection:
Manage allergens gradually and learn how to offer the 9 top common allergen foods.

6. Family meal time structures:
Understand the importance of family meal times, how it impact baby's developing eating habits and behaviours.

7. Milk to solids transition:
Learn the right way to start incorporation of solids and manage milk and solids schedule.

8. Feeding schedules:
Get indication of how 6-7 months baby's feeding schedules should look like what to expect

9. Baby and feeding products
Get expert feedback on baby products, how to choose safe feeding products, from high chairs to utensils

10. Family meal dynamics:
Every culture is different, with our international perspective learn how to select methods best suiting your family

Why Choose This Course ?

1. Judgement-free International Expert advice:
Receive expert guidance from our infant feeding and pediatric feeding specialists, Kelly (MA CCC/SLP) and Sonal (CLC CCN). Both Kelly and Sonal are experienced mothers themselves, understanding the challenges of juggling a baby in your arms, possibly with a toddler nearby, all while ensuring safe food preparation and managing nutritional needs. They offer practical tips to help you navigate these tasks seamlessly while providing you with accurate and valuable information.

2. Self-paced learning course: You will have access to the course materials for 10 days, allowing you to progress at your own speed. If you are unable to complete the course within this timeframe, please inform us, and we will gladly assist you. Take your time to explore the content and enjoy the learning journey at a pace that suits you best.

3. Interactive presentation :
You will be guided through the course with Kelly and Sonal with you on each slide, explaining the information from their professional and mom shoes. Each lesson is filled with care, empathy, and evidenced-based information that will help you cut through all of the myths and opinions, to help you plan the next steps for you and your baby with knowledge and love.

How it works?

Your Course Begins: After purchasing the course on our website, dive into the content effortlessly via our Viraa app using the same email ID. Take full advantage to revisit the material as often as you'd like for the next 6 months. At the end of the course, you'll receive exclusive invitations sent straight to your inbox or through WhatsApp messages for a live session with Sonal and Kelly. Get ready to embark on this personalized learning adventure!

Course Duration: 120 mins +
Course Language: English

Live Sessions + Take Aways Guides

Live Session Reunion: Join us for a heartfelt live session with our specialists. If life gets in the way, just drop an email to us, and we'll find a new date that suits you. To keep it intimate, we split sessions into smaller groups when we have more than 20 wonderful parents. We warmly invite both you and your partner to embark on this journey together—complete the course as a team and join us for the live sessions hand in hand. The link to the live session is sent to your email address.

All the guides will be shared with you post the completion of the call for you to keep handy and use when needed.

Support Group

Your Support Hub: Upon purchasing the course, step into a warm and expert-led WhatsApp group alongside fellow mothers—a community that stays vibrant even after completing the course. Find solace in occasional guidance from experienced Viraa mothers and experts. This group evolves into your personalized haven, the go-to place for addressing all your concerns and sharing in the journey together.

For EU & US Parents

Parents joining our courses from the US please note that the USD amount will be converted into equivalent Indian Rupees at the time of checkout. This is because our company HQ is based out of India. Your credit card or account will be charged in USD the same amount as your purchase. Please reach out to us in case you need any information using the whats app icon in the bottom left corner of our website.

How It Works

1. Complete the course online or in our App

Video Placeholder

Deep Dive

2. All the information you need in one place curated by international experts.

Meet Your Guides

3. Choose between a group session or a personal online meeting to address all your questions.

Still Unsure ?

Book a 15 min call to know more.

Mother's who have benefitted from VIRAA
Wow opened our eyes to what bad practices have been promoted even by the medical industry. Great to see people like Kelly and Sonal are doing great efforts to help new parents and guide them for better.
— Shreya & Tanay
Watching Kelly was just like a netflix movie and then getting to know her personally and learn from her experience was wonderful. Great learning and content.
— Neha Bhasin

The information on viraacare.com is for general knowledge only. Viraacare does not provide professional advice, including medical advice, to individual users or their families or children. Nothing on the site, regardless of the date, should ever replace direct medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare professional, including but not limited to nutritionists and experts in child feeding and eating. By using viraacare.com, you acknowledge and agree that you are taking full responsibility for your child's health and well-being. In exchange for providing you with a variety of content on "baby-led weaning," you waive any claims that you or your child may have as a result of using the information on viraacare.com.